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About Arkain

The road to starting Arkain was a bumpy one. While the idea first sprang to mind in October 2019 and almost immediately got my full commitment a slew of issues from a bank holdup, securing a location, the first COVID lockdown, more location issues, more pandemic, and then more pandemic and location issues it was a humbling 4 years before a lease was signed and the work really began.


Being born and raised in Ingersoll I know that the biggest complaint everyone had growing up in this town was the lack for anything to do or anywhere to go without travelling to another city. This isn’t an option for everyone and can be an inconvenience even when it is so with service and community in mind as our foundation I hope to help change that. While table fees and memberships have become common in this industry I would like to maintain accessibility by not gating or tiering our guests’ experience.

The store has come a long way in just three and  half months and I hope to keep this going for at least three and a half more decades.


Arkain Team.

Abstract Flame
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